Monday, June 6, 2011


I had an occasion to get out on my bike a week ago. I rode on one of the popular rail trails in the area. We have had a lot of rain in the area recently. As I stopped for a snack, I pulled up beside the Potomac River on the C&O Canal. The river was very swollen. As I watched, I notice that the river was washing a lot of debris downstream. When I finished my snack, I hopped back on the bike to continue my ride. Just then I passed a dried out stream bed.  As is often the case, I could hear God giving me an object lesson in nature.

Scripture says that "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" John 7:38 (KJV).

We who are called of God should be like the Potomac on that day. Overflowing with the Water of the Spirit so that (1) we can overflow into the lives of those who are "dead in sin and trespasses".

(2) Allowing ourselves to be washed by the Word of God so that the debris that tends to try and collect in our lives is washed away.

Which one are you?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today is a rainy day. My co-workers were coming in complaining about the rain and the cold. We tend to not like rain. It's an inconvenience. Sometimes it slows us down. It blows a lot of trash and debris around.  As it is in the natural, so it is in the Spiritual. We don't like the rain of the Spirit sometimes. Rain washes us. It blows the debris and trash that has collected around us up and we must acknowledge it and allow the Trash Collector to take it away. The rain of the Spirit of God slows us down and causes us to pause in the midst of our business and acknowledge that God is God and we are His chosen children. So today as we slog through the rain, REJOICE. Know that the Heavenly Gardener is watching the rainfall in our lives, and is tending the gardens of our souls to bring forth the fruit of righteousness (Heb. 5:11), the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22), and fruit that will last (Matt. 12&13). Allow Him to prune as needed!!!
Be Blessed!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


   I'm posting this from a hotel room in Savannah, Ga. I've been here 2 days enjoying the city, relaxing and resting. Yesterday I took the opportunity to walk about the city and explore. I was preparing to cross a certain street and had to hit the button for the light. About that time, God decided to show up with a lesson. The light is designed with the sight impaired in mind, so it has an audible voice (those of you who know me, know I have a problem with voices coming out of nowhere...). As I'm standing there, a commanding voice says "WAIT!"... and yet again "WAIT". I began to laugh as I saw God clearly speaking through this annoying little crossing light. I could have very easily ignored the light and attempted to jaywalk, and probably be smashed to bits in the crush of speeding traffic. Finally, the voice said, "the light is on. WALK" And it is safe to cross.

    So often in our walk with God, this is often the case. We hear a command from Him, and we may even understand what it is He is directing us to do. However, we must WAIT on his timing or risk being smashed by the "traffic" of opposition and other factors. His timing is perfect. Even when we receive the command to  "WALK", there is a timing that comes in to play. Twenty seconds to cross the road. This means that I must "WALK", not dawdle, not linger, but be about the business of walking out the Masters plan, or take the risk of missing His perfect timing.

Obedience is better than sacrifice!!!!